News and Media

Real-life stories

How a car test led to a cancer test, and saved Thomas’ life

UK cancer survivor Errol McKellar is helping raise awareness of prostate cancer from his garage in London. As reported by the BBC, Er
New breakthroughs

Australian researchers developing blood test to determine impact of concussion

People who have suffered from concussion may soon be able to take a simple blood test to determine if they are safe to return to work or pla
New breakthroughs

“A simple test can save your life”: bowel cancer still second biggest cancer killer

Bowel cancer is the second biggest cancer killer in Victoria, but early diagnosis and lifestyle changes could turn that around, according to
Pathology Explained

Call for submissions – Blood!

Science Gallery London in conjunction with Science Gallery Melbourne have opened calls for submissions for a new international art exhibitio
New breakthroughs

Could we replace donated blood with artificial blood?

Photo credit: A major role of blood is to trans
Real-life stories

Friends defy cancer diagnoses and gear up for charity bike ride

This story and image originally appeared in the Daily Telegraph   ANDREW Bloxsom has a long road ahead. After being diagnosed with ch
Latest News

If you want to save money, test more, not less

*Dark Daily Editor, Robert Michel argues the case for more strategic use of pathology tests: In healthcare across the globe there is an e
Latest News

Diabetes Australia CEO visits the engineroom of healthcare

In the lead up to International Pathology Day 2016, the CEO of Diabetes Australia, A/Prof Greg Johnson, took a behind the scenes tour of a b
Real-life stories

“Throughout the last five years pathology has been a big part of my life” – tests help Ros fight 2 types of cancer

Wodonga resident, 72-year-old Ros Clauson has learned the value of pathology as a nurse, a pathology collector and as a patient with two dif
People of pathology

“Without pathology tests, we would be guessing” health professionals know the value of testing

After the sample collection, pathology staff tend to have little interaction with patients, so for International Pathology Day we spoke to t